Saturday, August 26, 2023

Happiness Speeds Up the Passage of Time

PICKING up my six-year old daughter at her elementary school this morning, she then sat on the back of the motorcycle which I then headed towards my house which is about 1 kilometer from the school. On the way back, my daughter talked about the present for her seventh birthday, next October, which she had mentioned many times over the past few months. She wants a pair of inline skates.

“Can I come here (one of the roads we took), Daddy?” she asked. That is, with her inline skates. I said yes casually as it was a wishful chat.

“But you have to be accompanied by me or Mom. You can’t use inline skates yet, can you?” I said.

“Of course, Daddy. You teach me, okay. Or, how about when I’m eight years old? If I’m eight years old, is that okay?" said my daughter, starting to hesitate. She finally decided to cancel asking for inline skates as a present for her seventh birthday.

“Sure,” I said.

“When will I be eight, Daddy?”

“Next year. Still one more year,” I answered, looking straight ahead with a bit sleepy eyes because I haven’t slept since having my pre-dawn meal. I am on a nine-day fast, and today is the eighth.

“It’s taking a long time, isn’t it, Daddy? I have to wait that long,” said my daughter, sounding doubtful about her decision to cancel asking for inline skates as a present for her seventh birthday.

In a relaxed state, without thinking too much, I just said, “Just be patient. Sabar, tawakal, ikhlas, and always be grateful... be grateful for what you have received at this time. With gratitude, you will feel happiness. And if you are happy, even time will seem to pass quickly.”

There, I was stunned. I apparently received an inner guidance in giving advice to my little daughter. And my jiwa tells me that the advice applies to me as well. Praise God!©2023


Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang, 26 August 2023

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