Friday, September 25, 2015

My Life Since The “Opening”

Being OPENED in SUBUD, receiving the Latihan Kejiwaan for the first time ever, was one of the most significant periods of growth in my life. I spent my life afterwards in reflection, exploration, creativity and development. There were release of things I had no idea I was still holding onto which created immense room for expansion. In this new space, I found myself learning to harness my intuition and doing one of the bravest and creative things I have ever done: starting a business.

I appreciate the quiet and still days since the OPENING where I could feel my roots getting deeper and stronger. In the stillness, my soul embraced faith, hope and grace; such a perfect word for this. I learned what it felt like to receive and give this beautiful gift. This is where love thrives and blossoms in ways unimaginable. It is truly a place of awe and wonder. My heart has learned the art of healthy detachment and also UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 

I think one of the most significant shifts has been from passion to vibrancy. For years I felt that the fire inside me was passionate. It was an intense, unstable flame, searching for fuel to burn and grow. It fed everything I came in contact with. But now, I see this fire inside as a steady, vibrant light. It radiates and does not destroy. I learned to harness the passionate flame to create a vibrancy inside. 

My life since I was opened in SUBUD was of steady growth and reaching for the sky from a place of expansion. There were no grand trips to faraway lands, but I think the trip inward made my life much more significant. I am ready to see what else my life has in store. I can’t imagine the treasures and secrets it holds. I am excited and so very grateful.

Kalibata, South Jakarta, Indonesia, September 25, 2015

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